Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities Choral Scholar Program
“Where there is devotional music, God is always at hand with His gracious presence.” —J.S. Bach

Music Ministry at Bethlehem
Here at Bethlehem, we recognize that few things stir within us a greater sense of awe and worship than the beauty of music.
Music is a vital part of the worship life at Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities. Music has the power to awaken our senses, to stimulate our intellect, and to break our hearts. Both in our worship life and in other areas of our life together, we recognize the power of music to change us. Our choirs are part of this transformational ministry every week during the program year.
We are blessed to have a variety of choral ensembles covering a wide range of ages between our two church campuses. Our two adult ensembles, the Bethlehem Chorale at Minneapolis and the Chancel Choir at Minnetonka, serve an integral part in the worship life of this congregation. These two ensembles support and lead the congregation on hymns throughout the worship services while also providing choral anthems during moments like the offering and communion.
The choirs sing a wide gamut of choral repertoire ranging from classical works, gospels and spirituals, and more contemporary selections written by living composers.
Choral Scholarship Positions
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities is excited to offer one choral scholarship positions for the 2024–2025 program year. Interested applicants must be pursuing an undergraduate degree at an area college or university. Having a major or minor in music is not a requirement. The only requirement is having some prior experience and skill as a choral singer. Each scholarship will be $1,750 per semester for a total program year scholarship of $3,500. These scholarships will be paid directly to the college or university for each scholar, and they will be paid in two installments (fall and spring semesters).
- Participation – Choral scholars will participate in the choral and worship life of this congregation at the Minnetonka campus for the fall semester and the Minneapolis campus for the spring semester.
- Choral Attendance – Rehearsals and Sundays
- Regular attendance at weekly Wednesday evening rehearsals, Sunday morning warm-ups, and Sunday morning worship.
- Choral scholars are expected to attend weekly Wednesday evening rehearsals from 6:45–8:15 pm. During the Lenten season, the rehearsal time changes to 7:45–9:00 pm
- During the fall semester, choral scholars are expected to sing during the 9:30 am service at the Minnetonka campus.
- During the spring semester, choral scholars will be expected to sing during the 9:00 am and 10:30 am services at the Minneapolis campus.
- Regular attendance at weekly Wednesday evening rehearsals, Sunday morning warm-ups, and Sunday morning worship.
- Absences
- If a choral scholar is unable to attend any weekly rehearsals or Sunday morning services, notice should be given to both the director of the ensemble and the Director of Music as far in advance as possible. If a sudden absence is required because of an urgent necessity or sudden illness, the choral scholar should notify the Director of Music by phone or email.
- If the choral scholar develops a pattern of unexcused absences, the Director of Music reserves the right to terminate the scholarship.
- This program will observe and honor academic breaks/time off during both semesters.
- Additional Expectations
- Choral Scholars are expected to arrive on time for all choral occasions.
- Scholars should prepare music outside of rehearsal to ensure they can effectively lead and support the volunteer members of the ensemble.
- Choral Scholars will be paired with a member of the ensemble at the beginning of the program year. This ensemble member will serve as a point of connection with the ensemble in addition to the director and Director of Music. This person will be tasked with helping the Choral Scholar to get connected with the other members of their section.
- Renewal of Scholarship
- At the end of the program year, the director of the ensemble and the Director of Music will meet for a review of the experience with the Choral Scholar. This is an opportunity for both parties to highlight the benefits of this experience and areas of improvement going forward.
- Applicants who found this experience enjoyable and fulfilling will have the opportunity to re-apply for the following year.
The Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities Choral Scholar Program will offer a successful candidate a scholarship of $3,500 for the 2024–2025 program year. This scholarship will be paid directly to the college or university, and it will be distributed in two installments (fall and spring semesters) of $1,750 each. Bethlehem will do its best to ensure scholarships are distributed in a timely manner for inclusion on any tuition statements at the beginning of either term.
At the discretion of the Director of Music, additional opportunities and further compensation may be available in the form of weddings and memorial services during the program year.
- A completed application form which can be filled out and submitted directly through this webpage. Please see the application form below.
- A brief letter of recommendation from a choral or vocal professor at your college or university.
Choral Scholarship Application
For questions regarding this application form, please contact our Director of Music, Dr. Mark Paisar ([email protected]).
Application FormTIME FRAME
- Applications are accepted until the start of the program year which occurs on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 or until a successful candidate has been selected.
- Applications and letters of recommendation will be reviewed as they are submitted.
- Notification of acceptance into this choral scholar program will be sent out as decisions are made.