
To be the church of Jesus in this time and place means listening and learning, changing, and growing. It requires us to get outside the walls of the church building and engage in mutual conversations with our neighbors. In the public square, we learn about ourselves, our world, and our God. With a focus on housing, race, and care of creation we dig deeper into how we are neighbors with each other and our surrounding community both local and global. 

March is MN Food Share Month!

Bethlehem’s food shelf partners, ICA and CES, are seeing record numbers of families visiting. In response they are joining the hundreds of other food shelves to encourage contributions during the March MN Food Share campaign. Bethlehem’s response this year will include several activities:

  • Bring your gifts of food to either campus during the month of March
  • Repacking food at Second Harvest on March 21 at 3:30 & 6:00 pm
  • Tour ICA on March 17 along with Minnetonka confirmation students (details and registration)
  • Donate funds either online or via check payable to BLCTC with ICA or CES in the memo line

The Bethlehem Outreach Committee encourages you to join us as we continue to live out our mission of Becoming Together – sharing in the work of God’s vision for a healed world.

MN FoodShare 2022

CES Food Shelf

The Mpls campus partners with CES (Community Emergency Services) to meet hunger where it is a critical need, on client’s food shelves with Home Delivery to the homebound and Meals on Wheels to seniors. CES fosters community among its clients, because a strong community is the best hope for sustainable relief from hunger and poverty.

Current Needs

ICA Food Shelf

The Mtka campus partnership with ICA (Intercongregation Communities Association) began in 1971 and its mission is to create a healthy and stable community for all. A community where everyone has the resources needed to thrive. Food donations can be dropped at our Mtka Campus. Please check our events page for upcoming ICA events.

Current Needs

Local Partners

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat’s mission is to “eliminate poverty housing from the Twin Cities and to make a decent, affordable shelter for all people a matter of conscience.”

We have partnered with Habitat for 25 years. We understand that Minnesota has a history of racial covenants that has denied homeownership to many. Recently Habitat stated, “At Twin Cities Habitat, we believe closing our community’s racial homeownership gap is a critical component of building a Minnesota where everyone can thrive. We have a lot of work to do to see that vision come to life.” We support Habitat’s mission by being involved in their home builds and by giving financially.

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Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative

Beacon’s vision is for all people to have a home, and for this to happen “our many faiths call us to create more equitable communities.” Beacon’s interfaith collaborative of nearly 90 congregations works to end homelessness through housing, shelter and advocacy. We as a congregation commit to joining Beacon’s approach of “tak[ing] personal, public, and financial risks in the fight for justice. We go big. We go bold.” We do this alongside Beacon through advocacy, hosting Families Moving Forward, and financial support.

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Our Saviour’s Community Services

“Increasing skills. Improving lives.” Our Saviour’s opens the doors to those looking for housing and supportive services, as well as to those seeking English language support. They offer emergency shelter, transitional housing, and permanent supportive housing to single adults in the community who are without a place to call home. Our Saviour’s works with individuals to equip people to find and establish permanent housing. The English Learning Center provides classes for learning English language skills to immigrants and refugees. The staff also serves as a resource to support families in their pursuit to live and thrive in Minnesota. 

Bethlehem has a long history of partnering with Our Saviour’s through financial support, serving on the board, and working directly with individuals utilizing the different services provided.

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Global Partners

Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry (LPGM)

“Envisions a world where relationships transform boundaries, and where all people have the resources and opportunities they need to thrive.” 

Our engagement with LPGM focuses on international development with a focus on education as well as transformative travel. We currently have two education-based trips with LPGM: One to Guatemala where we focus on climate intervention, and the second to India where we focus on interfaith dialogue. Both trips focus on learning how folks around the world are combating issues of injustice and how we can apply what we learned back home as we are co-creators in healing the communities within which we live.

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Global Health Ministries

This Lutheran nonprofit is committed to improving health for people around the world. GHM partners in 13 countries, from El Salvador to Zimbabwe, supporting hospitals, clinics, and community-based outreach – all focused on improving health. GHM’s approach includes shipping donated medical supplies and equipment, providing scholarships for training doctors, nurses, midwives and community health workers, and providing grants that support grassroots efforts to improve health.

In 2019, Bethlehem’s Opening New Doors capital campaign funded a new well at Ejeda Hospital in southwestern Madagascar, improving the hospital’s capacity to deliver quality healthcare and ensuring that the community has access to clean water. 

Bethlehem has had a meaningful, ongoing relationship with GHM for decades, with members serving on the GHM Board in its earliest years and supporting early initiatives. Bethlehem is in partnership with GHM today through our financial support, onsite engagement opportunities at their warehouse in Fridley, and through the annual Women’s Day of Service event. 

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Holistic Ministry of Children of the Horn of Africa (HMCHA)

HMCHA is a non-denominational Christian ministry founded by Megersa Kumbi in 2007. HMCHA’s mission is to transform the lives of children through education, mentoring, financial support and community. Additionally, HMCHA has built a bridge that saves lives every year and provides clean water to four villages, as well as a community center with a library, computer lab and playground. 

Bethlehem engages with HMCHA through financial and material support. Bethlehem also has a group of consistent congregation members that go to Ethiopia almost every year to maintain relationships with those on the ground. 

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Upcoming Outreach Events

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Beacon 101: An Introduction to the Interfaith Housing Collaborative

September 11 | Zoom Meeting

What is the Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative? There are two opportunities to learn about our work to create deeply affordable, supportive homes and to impact the policies and systems creating homelessness. This intro to Beacon is just 30 minutes long and virtual. Register through Beacon’s website for the session that works best for you!

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Beacon 101: An Introduction to the Interfaith Housing Collaborative

September 18 | Zoom Meeting

What is the Beacon Interfaith Housing Collaborative? There are two opportunities to learn about our work to create deeply affordable, supportive homes and to impact the policies and systems creating homelessness. This intro to Beacon is just 30 minutes long and virtual. Register through Beacon’s website for the session that works best for you!

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Staff Contacts

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Director of Strategy and Analysis

Angie Phillips (she/her)

Phone: 612-312-3371
Marketing and Communications Manager

Whitney Stofflet (she/her)

Phone: 612-312-3364