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Across Generations: Dine N' Discuss


About This Event

We know that it can be tricky crossing the generational divide to have deep conversations, which is why we are inviting youth and congregational members to bring someone they care about from a different generation to practice doing just that at these round-table lunch events. Come to laugh, converse, and connect across generations. Events are free, and include pizza. Registration recommended.


February 12, 2023 @ 11:30 am - 12:30 pm


All Ages
Senior Adult
Young Adult

Event Information:

We know that it can be tricky crossing the generational divide to have deep conversations, which is why we are inviting youth and congregational members to bring someone they care about from a different generation to practice doing just that at these round-table lunch events. We’ll talk about all kinds of silly things like K-Pop and T-Swift, and more serious things like church traditions, race, the environment, and gender and sexuality — all with the help of group facilitators. Come to laugh, converse, and connect across generations. Events are free, and include pizza. Registration recommended. 

Sunday, January 22: Church Traditions 

Sunday, February 12: Race and Culture 

Sunday, March 19: The Environment 

Sunday, April 23: Gender and Sexuality 

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