"Different Lens" Special Speaker Allison Connelly-Vetter and RIC Anniversary Celebration
About This Event
A year ago, after much learning and discernment and a dedicated group who listened and then crafted a welcome statement over the course of a year, we became a “Reconciling In Christ” faith community that expresses a desire to welcome all kinds of people, and All Means All. This continues our “Life Together” series by looking at some specific ways we are “Life Together.” We’ll celebrate today, with a Different Lens Speaker, plus share a feast after worship.
October 13 @ 10:30 am - 11:30 am
Event Information:
A year ago, after much learning and discernment and a dedicated group who listened and then crafted a welcome statement over the course of a year, Spirit Garage became a “Reconciling In Christ” faith community that expresses a desire to welcome all kinds of people, and All Means All. This continues our “Life Together” series by looking at some specific ways we are “Life Together.” We’ll celebrate today, with a Different Lens Speaker, plus share a feast after worship.
In October, uur Different Lens speaker is Allison Connelly-Vetter, who earned a Master of Divinity from Union Theological Seminary with a concentration in disability theology. She currently serves as Interim Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministries at First Universalist Church of Minneapolis. Allison is the co-chair of the United Church of Christ Disabilities Ministries Board, an alumna of the Collegeville Institute Seminar on Disability and Vocation, and a co-founder and co-convener of the Disability Theology Discussion Group. Allison is also a board member with Benincasa Community, a farm in the Catholic worker tradition. She writes, teaches, and preaches regularly on disability theology for local and national religious institutions and organizations. Allison and her wife Brooklyn live in Minneapolis, Minnesota where they share space with many musical instruments including two trombones, two guitars, a ukulele, a homemade cigar box guitar, a player piano, and a double bass.
Visit www.spiritgarage.org/calendar for more information or RSVP via email to [email protected] with questions.