Take Time For Mental Health 2024-2025 Speaker Series

Hosted by collaborating congregations Bethlehem Lutheran Church Twin Cities and St. Joan of Arc Catholic CommunityTake Time for Mental Health is a monthly series that aims to increase awareness and reduce the stigma of mental illness.

The evenings will include a light supper followed by a presentation given by an expert in the field.  There will be a question and answer period each evening.  We look forward to having you join us this program year. 

Please register in advance to help us have adequate food and resources to have available.

Meetings begin at 6:00 pm with a light supper provided. 6:30 pm program begins and ends at 8:00 pm. This event is free to attend, free-will offering accepted for meal.


Using the Wellness Wheel to Improve Your Well-Being
at St. Joan of Arc Catholic Community

Tuesday, Sept 17, 6:00-8:00 pm

What is the Wellness Wheel? Come learn about a tool you can use to bring well-being to your life – physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, intellectual, and social. We will explain how you can choose wellness strategies that best fit your pathway to better health. Bring your phone, iPad, or computer for an interactive experience.

Register Here

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